Easy Fish Fry

As goes the infinte number of varieties of fish,so goes the variations in fish fry recipes.There are recipes that call for lot of ingredients like fennel seeds,garlic and like..No doubt,they add more flavour to the dish,but not everybody has the time for “marinade prepration”…To them,here goes my simple recipe..



You’ll need

Fish of your choice-1/4 kg(the pic shows Kingfish Fry)

Chilli Powder-1.5-2 tspn

Turmeric Powder-0.5 tspn

Crushed ginger-0.5 tspn

Crushed curry leaves-1 stalk

Garam Masala-0.5 tspn

Lemon juice/Vinegar-0.5 tspn

Salt-to taste

Pat dry the cleaned fish using a kitchen tissue.Make a fine paste of all ingredients and bring to consistency using either oil or water.Keep marinated for half and hour,preferably in refrigerator.Heat oil in a sause pan and deep fry or shallow fry according to your choice,on medium heat.Flip the fish pieces only after 3-4 mnts to prevent it from cracking . Once crisp,remove from heat and serve.



P.S:To get rid of the fishy smell from your kitchen,make a solution of water and vinegar and after the final wash of knives and utensils,just pour this mixture over them and the kitchen sink.

    • Gov
    • July 22nd, 2008

    Very Interesting 😉

    • Prof. J.A.K. Tareen
    • February 23rd, 2015

    Dear Sir,
    My wife is writing a cook book with about 130 recipes of our own. Some of the pictures should we like to adapt from the internet. We wish to use Fish Fry picture in the book with due mention of your name. I am writing to seek your permission to use the picture.

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