Posts Tagged ‘ personal ’

About me..

Its been some time ever since I did any tag. and I am not really sure of when will I be able to do another one in near future.Thanks a ton to Nita,my buddy,for tagging me.  I am sorry to my other friends whose tags are in ‘queue’..also,I am sorry to Kanagu for not appreciating his awards,since I ddin’t have a post on it.I value your feelings and I am glad and thankful that I am being remembered,despite being an irregular blogger.. ***end of rant***

Nita’s tag is all about ‘wish-list’. I am not really sure of what is it that I want in my life..I had always been a confused person,an indecisive person who spents time weighing both balances.Thats explains why my ‘About Me ” page is always ‘under construction’..I had always dreamed of making it big in life,but not sure of ‘what,when and how’. Why am I like this,I really don’t know.I had dreamed of becoming a Doctor,but life made me a Software Engineer.Then I wanted to work and build a career and become a CEO who goes to office wearing cotton sarees.But life dumped me into a prestigious university,and asked me to study MBA.Then I started fighting with ‘debit’ ,’credit’ bla bla bla,things of which I had no idea about.. When I fell into the track,I started enjoying the game and gained spirit and courage to fight various commerce subjects..Suddenly I found myself married and then I left my fight with ‘debit’ and ‘credit’ and started fighting with spoons and utensils. I wan in a different world,with my partner and my baby.A couple of years passed,and one fine morning,I found myself confronted with a situation,where I was given a chance to complete my course,which I had dropped due to many technical reasons. I took up the challenge,again,of fighting with ‘debit’ and ‘credit’,and I have no idea how am I going to deal with it,as I had no relation with books,all these years..Still,I will try. . Earlier,going to college is all about waking up just 10 minutes before the bus timing and run to bus stop.But now,I have a baby,lot of other responsibilities,and above all,life has turned more complicated. So…. err,whatz wrong in trying. I have brushed and polished my dreams of becoming a CEO who wears cotton sarees.. I hope God will help me in my way forward,and I expect  your wishes and prayers..

Journey so far has been nice,but there isn’t anything special about it.I thank God for my friends,for there are all what I have earned in my life,till date.I am glad that I discovered the world of blogging,as it had changed the person I am and it opened up a different world for me.But blogging had done only harm in my real-life..How strange..Still,I am glad that I developed a reading habit and also,I realized that I have an opinion too..

Err,am I doing the tag? Nevermind,this is what this Nimmy is all about.There is nothing special about me,to list or elaborate. All I cherish is my dream,the one I am not really sure of.Still I want to become someone who will be remembered,as a daughter,as a wife,as a mother,as a daughter-in-law,as a friend,as …someone ,who touched their lives,and made it special,atleast for a moment.If I am remembered so,I have succeeded.

p.s: I am going to college from next week onwards. Its going to be tough time,be with me….

“Ahem,well Awards are for nice bloggers alone ” ;-)


An award is a note of appreciation,of friendship and a silent message-that ‘you are remembered’…I am blessed to have friends like you..Thanks a ton for making my day a beautiful one 🙂 I sent you warm wishes and love across the,what a boring literature-ist I am 😉 Somebody asked me “Do you get awards simply ‘just like that’??? I replied “Ahem,well no..Infact only friendly and sweet and smart people like me are granted awards” 😉


Indianhomemaker has awarded me ‘Bloggers for World Peace’..Read what she says about this award

Some bloggers we agree with a little, some not at all and some whole heartedly.Some bloggers give us Hope. They are bloggers who care, for ALL THE CITIZENS of this World. These bloggers can see above the generalizations of Caste, Community, Religion, Language, Region, Race and National boundaries. They are the hope of our UNITY IN DIVERSITY. This Special Award, very close to my heart goes to..

 Thanks IHM,I am honoured 🙂


 Nita  is an established professional blogger,and it is indeed a great honour to receive an friendship bracelet from her ..Thanks Nita ,thanks for being a friend,a dear friend 🙂



Smitha is my new dear ‘n’ near friend..She says

Nimmy – I love the passion in your posts..

Thanks a lot Smitha..Words of appreciation are the most priceless gift you can give me..Though you name your blog as ‘Random Thoughts’,every post has deep thoguhts and positive messages..Keep writing and lets hope to make a difference to the hearts of people around us 🙂



Thanks you all again..Apart from all these,my husband has awarded me ‘The best Lazy Girl Award” I am indeed very lazy 😦  Since when winter started,I have become extra lazy,lazy to do anything and everything-except sleeping  😉


Good day to all..


I am looking back myself.A dear friend of mine have given me a honest feedback and I realized that I went wrong in portraying myself through my words.. I realize that not only am I a pathetic writer, I also gave out wrong message to me readers.. I don’t know how can I erase those prejudices ,caused by my own reasons..

As she told me, whenever I make a comment, I equate it with Pakistan or Islamic jihadists thereby giving out the wrong unintended message that I am talking for them..

NO NO NO NO NO NO NO and NO.I am NOT talking for them..I am least bothered about Pakistan bcoz I have my own nation’s business to mind.. And not only that I hate holy war guys,I am also frustrated enough to blast them the same way as Nassrudhin Shah did it in ‘A Wednesday’.In fact I am so motivated by the movie ,that I am looking for a chance to make a unholy war against those holy war guys..

When I say I hate communal elements as vhp and Dal guys,I hate jihadists who are very much the other side of the same coin.I realize that I went wrong in putting it properly, the intended message.. I am not a good writer..And also,as another dear friend of mine said,I tend to approach things emotionally rather than rationally, that I am burst with emotions and words are flooded away and I end up giving the wrong message..Sorry ..I am never a supporter of bomb blasters in any sense

I need to be more mature in putting up my thoughts and not do it at the spur of a moment.. Words once said can’t be taken back and it takes more effort to erase out the wrong message sent..

Also, I have been thinking why am I so serious these days..I started this blog as a window to vent out some egos and frustrations of I think I am more egoistsic and frustrated..Sick..

I hope to have a fresh start. Maybe I need to brush up my cooking posts..Lot of photos waiting in the am so obsessed with fighting and arguing with others that I am very lazy to divert away from the topic..But I think I need a break..

I am still sure that my intentions were and will always be true and sincere.. But then again,It is a fact that I went wrong in putting it properly.. Jumbled words are more destructive than being constructive in any way..

P.S :

I still stand by what I said, just that I admit that my words went wrong at times..And I’ld say it loud and clear that some of you are angry with me bcoz I talk against Hindu terrorists.. They are the same as bomb blasters and are two sides of the same coin..I’ll speak against them again again and again, in a more effective manner;-)